Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Hello world...I was watching Californication earlier tonight, and aside from laughing my ass off, it seriously got me inspired to start writing again. It is rather sadly that I admit I have been appalling slack on this account -despite calling myself a writer. How poetic.
So this is basically just a quick ramble to get me started. Over the upcoming days and such, I shall be endeavouring to capture here the muddlesome things that circulate through my brain and so share them with the world. I am warning you though, that it won't always be pretty. My mind can oftimes be a rather scary place that sometimes even I don't enjoy inhabiting! That said, these posts could contain anything really. Random thoughts. Quotes or material or situaions that got me thinking. Personal opinions. Maybe even polls. Who knows? It's my own personal peice of cyberspace in which to go postal after all. I am sure all you intelligent folk out there get the idea, and for those of you who don't....well either get someone to explain it to you or kindly piss off. What are you doing here anyway if you don't get the concept??
So yeah...I guess that's it for now. Just wanted to get started. Once I have something to ponder over I shall stick it here.